Sometimes you idealise what Moving Abroad will be like and how it will unfold. You leave with hopes and expectations, a set to-do list, and a life you wish to live. Although a lot of what you intended does come to fruition, oftentimes it doesn’t. Our desires, and life, rarely present themselves in the way you conceived it to be in your mind (we love to make up stories in our heads) however, it does always unfold in the very way that you NEED. Let’s make this clear… NEED.
I can only speak from my experience, and friends dear to me I’ve met while living abroad. They left their bubble (much like I have) with the intention of pursuing the path less traveled, daring to create a life that is true to them, and not what is expected. I couldn’t think of something more beautiful, and respectful.
Coming from a family where my Grandparents left their motherland (Greece) to do the very same thing, while yes under different circumstances, I can finally say that I have a better understanding of the commitment, courage, and determination needed, to leave everything you once knew and re-build that. And while it may not always work out, sometimes it may and, could very well be the best decision you will have made for yourself, and your soul (don’t worry this won’t get too mushy).
If you’re reading this now, it’s safe to say you’ve experienced this move or have been pondering the possibility of taking the next step. Maybe you need that extra bit of encouragement, information, or guidance. Let’s unpack it…
Table of Contents

Why I Made The Move?
Once our world settled, mourning the lack of ‘freedom’ we had endured, I became dissatisfied with my current lifestyle, pace, and Sydney’s unending noise. I’ve always dreamt of an extraordinary adventure exploring and understanding the nuance of culture, food, and life. Call me an existentialist, but I think there is an importance in the exclusivity of a country’s traditions, social constructs, and values.
It invites you to learn and understand how and why people of varying cultures behave a certain way. You become truly enveloped in other ways of existing, it opens your mind to different possibilities and challenges your beliefs (even reiterating what you want or don’t want in life). We all need to be shaken around from time to time in life, especially if we expect to grow and evolve as individuals. *I welcome your opinions on this topic in the comments*
Longing for a change in scenery and a way to discover who I am without distraction and noise, my partner and I made the decision of moving abroad to Europe, with our base in Copenhagen, Denmark.
Disclaimer: There are no regrets. Just lessons.
Advice On Moving Abroad
Have you ever heard of analysis paralysis? Essentially it is the feeling of being unable to make a decision because one is overthinking or overanalysing, instead of taking action. This is exactly what will happen if you read way too much into the move abroad, trying to decipher every possible outcome that could ever exist.
While it is helpful to be a part of Facebook groups or reach out to those around, who have been in the same boat, at the end of the day each journey and assimilation is completely different. I would advise gathering the necessary tools needed (see tips below) to get you over the line, and the rest well… you’ll figure out along the way.
Moving to Denmark was a little bumpy, and it took a lot of getting used to understanding the nuance of the culture and the way laws, rental properties, and life in general, operated. It’s never as easy as landing in a country and then expecting to know and understand it all (though I try to, drives me crazy). There were so many small steps taken before we could even be considered a temporary resident and legally allowed to work. *We’ll leave that for another blog entry.”
Don’t be discouraged by the situation or people’s opinions, you will end up surprising yourself every day during the journey. You can listen to all the advice on moving abroad however, when the will for change is strong enough, the possibilities and lessons you learn and master, become endless. Take it day by day, unpack what is necessary in the moment instead of what is in the future. Do not try to assume or predict how long you will remain living abroad, or figure out what your future will hold. I can most certainly say that it all has a way of working itself out (unexpectedly as usual).
Tips For Moving Abroad:
- Research living costs and average monthly rental costs
- Learn about the customs and traditions of your country of choice
- Research visa types and pre-requisite requirements for your application: This often involves having the necessary funds and medical insurance to be accepted.
- Decide whether you will acquire a working position before moving, or if you are moving abroad without a job. This may require calculations of funds to ensure you can support yourself during the transition.
- Understand the laws for moving abroad to work (do you want to be a digital nomad, freelancer, etc.)
- Purchase Travel Insurance for the entire duration of your move abroad. It will be up to you how comprehensive this insurance is but do not be naive, look at all possible scenarios and outcomes that may happen.
- Leave with an open mind, no fixed expectations, and be flexible to pivot when, and if, needed.
Surrender to the experience. Let life lead the way while taking small steps each day.

Making Friends Abroad
Do you think making friends will be hard? Well, I guess that depends on your willingness to be open to new connections and approach your life abroad with a new perspective. I realised how willing ex-pats, or those who have moved abroad for a short time, are to building friendships and a network outside the one they’re used to. At the end of the day, everyone is in the same boat. You find solace in this because you’re able to relate to many of the same emotions, struggles, and doubts.
If we’re getting mushy, I believe that people enter your life for a purpose. It is almost as if they, or you, are intentionally sent down from the universe to experience a period of life together. To go through the motions, and to have companionship during a bizarre and unknown time in your life. These people are met in the most unexpected ways (and believe me even if you don’t believe it yourself, you will be guided to the right people).
For myself, I joined a Facebook group (ex-pats in Copenhagen) and the group was organising to meet at a music event. Though I replied saying I’d attend (I didn’t) a girl reached out to me on Instagram (knowingly because I was Greek) to grab a coffee as she just moved to the city. Our interests aligned, and next thing you know we became the most amazing friends, which then extended, and the time passed seamlessly.
I am so grateful to have met such a beautiful person (who goes by the name Irini) and built a group of friends which scratched the cultural itch for me. I had moved abroad in the hope of reconnecting with my heritage more, and I was shocked that I discovered this in Denmark and not Greece. Is this proof enough that if you let life unfold without force, beautiful and unexpected occurings will take place?
Moving abroad with my partner definitely removed the anguish of feeling lonely. However, many people who have moved abroad alone make it work and within a couple of weeks (or days) are already building meaningful connections. Look into like-minded groups, hobbies, sporting activities, and more. Spread your wings.

Traveling Europe
Let’s be honest… most people are moving abroad because of the accessibility of traveling Europe with ease, no visas needed, and no 90-day limits (for the Aussies anyway). I can wholeheartedly say this was also my intention. When you are granted the opportunity of flexibility, take it by the horns. Do ALL the things, travel to ALL the places, and see EVERYTHING (within your means). Do so without regrets and reservations.
Sure, you will come across opinions saying that you need to be conservative when living abroad, don’t spend all your money blah blah… I couldn’t disagree more. Speak to those who have walked this earth longer, and almost everyone will say that they wish they lived a life true to them, did the things they always dreamt of, traveled more while they could, and so on. Never take life for granted. In the blink of an eye, the whole world can change, and honestly, there will never be the most perfect time to move abroad and start traveling Europe than right now, in the present moment.
Maybe deep down I’m a gypsy, but there is so much to discover and experience. Each country has a wealth of knowledge to share and there’s no reason not to tread in a different landscape, see what interests you and how you’d like to spend your time during the 4 seasons of the year. If you’re reading my blog then you know where I’ve been dipping my toes (and quite frequently).

The Finale Of Moving Abroad
A year doesn’t seem like a lot of time, but you will be amazed at what you can achieve and learn during such a succinct period. Moving abroad was one of the most transformative years thus far, forcing us out of the comfort we’ve ever known from life, quite literally falling flat on our bums in the process (multiple times).
Denmark was chosen on a whim. No prior engagement with the country, just a gut feeling to follow the wind to the Nordics (ironic as it’s the most windy country I’ve ever experienced in my life). The Nordic culture is so unfamiliar to my heritage, and way of life. However, it seemed to align with what I valued at the time.
When it comes to choosing your moving abroad destination, I would say you will get the most out of a country that challenges your beliefs and cultural values. You can easily choose your native country (it would be easier right?) but when I reflect and think ‘What if I moved to Greece?’, I don’t think this would have invited me to face my deepest fears and push the boundaries. It would have been familiar, easier. By removing yourself from what makes sense, you are granted the opportunity to gaze at your life through a different lens.
I can’t even tell you how many rabbit holes you might go down (like I did), you will feel uprooted, your routine might look completely different, and it will be hard until it won’t be. You know the grit everyone speaks of, the one where you’re thick-skinned and persevere even when all odds might be against you? Well this my friend, is the grit you’ll acquire while moving abroad.
Lean into it all. Don’t resist as much as I did. Enjoy the journey with all its bizarre, beautiful, and thrilling ups and downs. Be PRESENT, and GRATEFUL every… single… day. Hold yourself accountable, but don’t be so hard on yourself when things don’t go to plan. Remember, the outcome is often out of our hands, we can only control certain variables. The rest is up to the universe.
My final advice on moving abroad? JUST DO IT.
If there were anywhere in the world you would move to, right now, where would it be?
I felt this sooo much !!!
You write beautifully and from your heart space !
Sooo enjoying picking up the crumbs along the way !
Aw thanks helen! This means a lot. Just writing true to me 🙂 <3
Love this so much!! ☺️🤍 very inspiring and informative!!
I’m glad!! And I hope it inspired you for the future 🙂
Vic!! I just read this with a cup of tea !! love this so much ❤ the experience and memories will be something to cherish! This is super inspiring and informative! Hope I will do this too someday haha oh and I hope you’re well 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰
Hey Jess! Aw, thank you so much. I’m glad it resonated with you and I hope you too can move one day. Never say never <3 Hope you are well too.