
That Thing We Call Life

What does it mean to be? Who is the jury to our being?

Life is a funny thing, it can be uplifting and euphoric, and then suddenly you’ll be engulfed by a cacophony of waves. It’s enigmatic and catastrophic. You’ll be flying, soaring even, and then fly head first into the trunk of a tree, falling flat on your back.

The ebb and flow surely keeps things interesting. Without it, we’d have a linear, unexciting existence. Controlled, calculated and as eventful as expected. It’s easier said than done to lean into the unknown. You could unpack this a thousand ways and each time you do, you leave just as unsure as before, just with new insight. I’m sure you’ve spoken in immense detail with your friends and family about the uncertainties of life, its direction, and the purpose of its being… of our being.

The more the days unfold, the faintest bit of clarity you receive. At times it’s the serendipitous moments or people with whom you cross paths that share an insight or “life hack,” (or words of wisdom) that solidifies what you feel is right inside. A nod to say “Hey you, you’re on the right track.”

Have you ever been in a Deja Vu moment and thought what in the world? How does this exist? My theory? When we are aligned in our paths, our soul journey, these moments become a regular part of our everyday day and indicate that we are meant to be travelling on this road, at this very time, at this very place, not by coincidence, but on purpose.

To ‘be’ is to endure hardship, challenges, and obstacles that inherently shape the person you will become, or are today. They are little blessings, lessons (or maybe curses, if that’s how you feel). ‘Being’ is to experience happiness, success, love and all that proceeds. At times, it feels like there is no balance between these polar opposites. No blue sky after a cloudy day. And yet, you experience a slither of the yang (or ying) in amidst the blissful chaos.

You could dissect ‘that thing we call life’ for a millennium… or more. We all have our own opinions, though the world, the universe, is too large to narrow it down to such simplicities. It’s multifaceted and unexplained, and I’m sure there is a lot we don’t know. Could we know? I’d like to challenge that we certainly could grasp a better understanding, though it requires no distractions… no external noise or deterrence.

It requires diving into unknowns, challenging modern notions of spiritual and religious practices, or the “anti” of these… and asking perhaps why we have strayed from our ancestral learnings (or have we?) Are we overly progressive (or not progressive enough?) In the scheme of it all it’s as if we, collectively, have overcomplicated life for ourselves.

How many of you have ever been personally victimised by…
*insert Regina George*

Sorry… I mean Life?

That may sound crude, but I promise you it’s not. I ask myself the same questions daily, hourly, and by the minute. When I reflect on my journey thus far, I can see how there has been a gradual allure to purposefully placing myself in the abyss of certainty… where I haven’t tread before, nor even dipped a toe. Does this build character (and fast)? Yes. Does this build a resilience that is unmatched in living comfortably? Yes. However, the point I’m trying to get across is that, although that thing we call life can be complicated, we too can add to that complication. Whether that may be perceived positively, or negatively.

How long does someone stay in this ‘grey’ area, the unknown of life’s happenings, floating like a feather? Its enigma is haunting though at the same time comforting to know that there are no obsoletes, allowing you to be the architect of your present and future. Does everyone think like this? Or are some just hardwired to overthink life’s existence? I always believed that the more in tune you are, the more you place importance in understanding all the intricacies that make up our world.

I have not much else to say, not yet anyway. There is no epiphany, just more questions. Earlier this year I read a fantastic novel, “The Surrender Experiment” and although I have adopted this acceptance and surrender of life, there are times when I end up enveloped in the thoughts of the ‘what ifs ‘and ‘why nots’. I’m sure you can relate.

If there is one lesson to be learnt, it is that life is unfolding as it is intended to be. The more you resist, the longer it will be until you reach your destination. Funny that… Pay attention to life’s manifestations and keep focus on what will move you closer to the life you want to live.

Take opportunities as they come (within good reason) and never undervalue your journey. Not everyone is here to experience endless sunshine and rainbows but if you carry on living with intention, it will get easier and your meaning will become clearer.

If you’re in a transition (or finally landed on your feet) it’s okay to have no words of wisdom. Articulating how you feel at every point in time can be exhausting, especially when things are fresh. That thing we call life is never linear, full of surprises and quite frankly, doesn’t make a whole lot of sense. However, I do believe we’ll reach an understanding… together.

Until next time… Sayonara! #livingthelife

We’re all about sharing the goods, keep the trail going with us!


  1. Helen

    I have many times experienced much of the same questions and emotions like this.
    Great insight and perspective about life…
    It’s a great read !

    😍 love it !!!

    1. Victoria Tatsis

      Staying curious through it all! Appreciate it <3

  2. Giovanni

    Love this!

    1. Victoria Tatsis

      Thank you!! Means a lot.